Articles and Publications about Congress

The Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies is proud to announce the publication of Congress Investigates: A Critical History with Documents.  This two volume set covers 29 major congressional investigations from the first one in 1792 up to the Hurricane Katrina Inquiry in 2005-06. For more information (and an order form with a discount offer), please go to the Byrd Center website at

Congress and the Common Good, by Arthur Maass.  Basic Books, 1983.

Congressional Government: A Study in American Government, by Woodrow Wilson.  Houghton Mifflin & Co., 1885.

Home Style: House Members in their Districts
, by Richard Fenno.  Little Brown, 1978.

The Logic of Congressional Action by R. Douglas Arnold.  Yale University Press, 1990.

A Rage for Justice: The Passion and Politics of Phillip Burton
, by John Jacobs.  University of California Press, 1997.

Book Review of An American Political Archives Reader (American Archivist)

Book Review of An American Political Archives Reader (Congressional Papers Roundtable Newsletter)

"The New Frontier of Research in Congressional Papers"
by Raymond Smock. From the Fall 2005 issue of The Federalist, quarterly newsletter of the Society for History in the Federal Government.

Legislative Studies Section Newsletter

"Using Archival Sources in Legislative Research: Choosing the Road Less Traveled", Sean Kelly, ed., in Extension of Remarks, APSA LSS, 28, 2 (July 2008), 52 pp. 

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Modern Political Papers Collection 

Indiana University Libraries

Herman B Wells Library E460

1320 E. 10th Street 

Bloomington, IN 47405

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